Most Precious Memories


“With Roy Lichtenstein in LA. When writing the catalog essay for Roy's Haystacks & Cathedrals series down at Gemini GEL circa 1968. Just being goofy after lunch.”

“Nicolino as a baby. I miss him and love him to this moment. I have put him in most of my novels and many of my stories.”

“Me and my grandmother Franceca Lepare Scelfo. She was my earliest muse for whom I invented stories which were mostly retellings of the books I was reading. See Prologue from Self Portraits: Fiction.”

“My maternal Sicilian grandparents in Sicily. See my story Self Portrait with Sicily.”

“Yours truly at age three, in my uncle Umberto's garden, saluting the world.”

“In my Uncle Humphry's garden in the Bronx. See the story Self Portrait with Bullfight.”

“My first bullfight—Mexico City, 1956. See Honeymoon with Bullfight. I went to see what I had seen through Hemingways eyes, and I came back seeing through Hemingway's eyes but from seats much higher up than he had ever sat.”

“Me and Alain Resnais in New York after Alain spoke to my film class at City College. I have dedicated my new book of Stories: Self Portraits: Fictions to Alain Resnais, my friend for close to forty years. One of the stories, "The Park Near Marienbad," is an homage to his great film, The Last Year at Marienbad.”

“Me in Machu Picchu in 1968, the experience of which went into my novel Tintin in the New World.”

“Photo taken of a Rivera mural in Topanga taken with my little Kodak box camera in 1956. I was studying Mexican mural painting at the University of Mexico, D.F.”

“In a doorway of the Federico Garcia Lorca house in Grenada, Spain, taken in 2009 by the artist Luis Asin.”

“Me (Center Right) with Michael Goldberg (Left), Paul Bowles (Center Left), and Karren Alenier (Right) in Tangier, 1982. Photo Credit: Karren Alenier”

“Me (Right) with Michael Goldberg (Left), Paul Bowles (Center) in Tangier, 1982. Photo Credit: Karren Alenier”

“My most recent reading of Self Portraits: Fictions with Andrew Perchuck and Steve Martin at The Getty Center in Los Angeles.”

“Talking to Tom McCarthy during Frederic Tuten and Ross Bleckner IN CONVERSATION: On the Intersection of Contemporary Art and Writing.”

“Reading in South Hampton.”

“Reading in South Hampton.”

“With Harry Mathews. Lunch, Mother’s Day, Sunday, May 13, 2012 at the Bryant Park Grill.”