Van Gogh’s Bad Café

Purchase Van Gogh’s Bad Café at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, or Strand.

A magical painter in words, Tuten (Tintin in the New World) gets inside the Dutch artist’s wounded soul as few writers have…. Tuten is a remarkable stylist, able in one sentence to combine the lyricism of a parable with the grit of Avenue B.
—Publishers Weekly

‘Van Gogh’s Bad Café’ is charged throughout with strange, sad magic, and even in its most rapturous moments manages to avoid cliches about artistic isolation and suffering.
—The New York Times

…a work of art, and almost too sad to bear.
—The Los Angeles Times

[S]o sensuous and poetic, it feels like a van Gogh painting.
—Eric Fishl

A tender tale, its magical effects as beautifully nuanced as its portrayal of van Gogh is passionate.
—Kirkus Reviews